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The Road to Gorda

Lured by beauty and time

Luann and I took a drive down the coast yesterday. It was a beautiful day. Highway 1 is one of the most scenic roads in California, hanging on the cliffs looking out over the Pacific. It's a beautiful drive any day but yesterday was perfect. The highway has been closed south of Gorda for nearly a year and only recently opened up south of Big Sur. That means almost no traffic, turnouts that weren't crowded and civil traffic free of the normal traffic.

Driving a road that's a long, beautiful dead end

We don't get south of Big Sur often and we thought a trip down the coast would be a nice way to spend the afternoon. Luann was spotting whales the entire way. The water was calm, the sky was blue and there was little wind. From on on the cliffs we could see the spouts and we saw many whales breaching the surface.

The traffic on the 70 mile trip to Gorda was light, especially once south of Big Sur.

Back where we started at sunset.

Highway 1 is closed at Gorda, blocking access to Cambria from the north.

The Nacimiento escape.


Tons of whales. Grays and Humpbacks. Are they going north or south?

Photo of the Day

Rain Rocks Rock Shed - Riven

Rain Rocks Rock Shed - Looks like Riven

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