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Putting a Good Computer Back in Service

iMac 07 (24 inch Mid-2007)

Yesterday my office iMac became unusable and I put my 2007 iMac back in service. This computer is eleven years old and shipped with OS X 10.4 Tiger a version of OS X 9 generations old.

About this iMac - Mid 2007

This model is a mid-2007 24" aluminum/plastic model. It was very much a transitional iMac. The body has the now familiar aluminum front but the back was a black plastic. The display is a 24 inch 1920x1200 model, before retina displays came along.

The processor was a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, memory is maxed out at 4GB and it has a hard disk for storage along with a side-mounted SuperDrive DVD drive. It has a Firewire 400 port and Firewire 800 port and three USB 2.0 ports. The video connector used the Apple Video port and I have a DVI adapter hooked up to a Dell monitor. It has separate audio in and out ports, BlutTooth 2802.11 a/b/g/n and a gigabit ethernet connector.

While not competitive today, is is still a very capable machine. And it's eleven years old!


I was keeping this iMac as a test machine, running Leopard and Snow Leopard so I could test backwards compatibility. To make it useful today I had to run more modern software.

The latest version of OS X it can run is version 10.11.6, El Capitan. That works out because El Capitan was sort of the cut-off point where modern applications are supported.

I ran Apple's software updates to make sure I had the latest security and features for this release. El Capitan includes iCloue Drive and supports Microsoft's OneDrive, services I've come to rely on. I installed updated copies of BBEdit, FileZilla and Transmit.

A Working Computer

2007 iMac

I now have a very workable computer. The processor isn't speedy and the display is not as sharp and bright as the newest retina displays but it's happy to do the work I'm asking of it. I attached a Dell 1050x1680 display for reading pages and I have a Firewire drive for backup. For text editing, remote file management and web-level graphics production, I'm very pleased.

Photo of the Day

Ocean Road Trees Nov 2017

Trees on Ocean Road at Sunset, November 2017

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